What is C language | Definition of C programming language | Hello world program in C language


C is a basic programming language, it is the base of all high level programming language.

C is developed by Dennis Ritchie at "AT&T's Bell laboratory (USA)" in 1972.

It was developed to implement 'UNIX operating system'.

Features of C language...

1. Simple,

2. Powerful,

3. Middle level programming language,

4. Machine independent,

5. Portable,

6. High speed programming language,

7. High efficiency,

8. Structure oriented.

Application of C language...

1. Developing Games

2. Operating system

3. Compilers

4. Editors

5. Database system

6. Graphics package

7. Network drivers.

Basic program of C language....



int main()


      Printf("Hello world");

      return 0;



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